​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Indiana Healthy Opportunities for People Everywhere (I-HOPE): COPD & COVID-19 Focus​

IHA was awarded a grant from the State Office of Rural Health through the Indiana Department of Health to work with hospitals to address COVID-19-related health disparities and advance health equity by expanding resources and services offered to rural communities with underserved populations. This grant is named Indiana Healthy Opportunities for People Everywhere, or I HOPE, and we have identified 60 hospitals in Indiana that fall into the rural category that are eligible to participate in this program.
Our area of focus will follow the Healthy People 2030 areas of respiratory disease and social determinants of health, and we will do this by analysis of data that we collect through the claims of all hospitals in Indiana, and from there we will target areas of the greatest needs to provide not only enhanced data support but also support of capacity building in programs to reduce COPD readmissions through education and services that hospitals provide. ​

​Resources offered through the I-HOPE program include:

  • COPD Educator Course 
  • Freedom from Smoking Facilitator Course
  • Asthma Certification 
  • Readmission reduction support from expert national faculty
  • Data reports and benchmark performance with other participating hospitals 
  • Educational training webinars from local and national experts
  • One-on-one support from subject matter experts
  • Culture of Patient Safety Survey administration
  • Educational support on social drivers of health and Z-code tracking
  • Patient-facing educational tools and health resources​

​I-HOPE Webinars

Readmissions Reduction Collaborative Webinars


​​Readmissions Reduction Collaborative Resources


For more information, please email Madeline Wilson​.​