Giving recognition to those making the greatest strides
At IHA, we value the contributions of the people and institutions who work tirelessly to ensure the best possible health care for Hoosiers. Each year, we reward these efforts with various awards that recognize outstanding accomplishments in the areas of quality, performance, service, and innovation.
The Distinguished Service Award is presented each year to an Indiana hospital chief executive officer who has made outstanding contributions to his or her organization, its patients, the community, and the health care profession.
Janice Ryba, MHA, MJ, JD
Powers Health (St. Mary Medical Center)
The Award of Merit is presented each year to an individual (not a CEO) who has made noteworthy contributions to the health care field in Indiana.
Linda Wessic RN/BSN/MBA, NE-BC, CENP
Major Health Partners
The John C. Render Award for Health Policy is presented to the individual or group of individuals that have had a significant influence on health care policy affecting Indiana hospitals.
This award was created and named for John C. Render whose leadership, courage, and perseverance advocating for positive health policy has impacted Hoosiers around the state.
This award was created and named for John C. Render whose leadership, courage, and perseverance advocating for positive health policy has impacted Hoosiers around the state.
The Douglas J. Leonard Indiana Caregiver of the Year Award honors anindividual whose performance in the delivery of care is considered exemplary by patients and peers.
It is named after IHA's fourth president, Doug Leonard, who led IHA from 2007 to 2017. Before serving as president of IHA, Leonard worked for 30 years in administration at Columbus Regional Hospital, and the last 10 years as CEO.
It is named after IHA's fourth president, Doug Leonard, who led IHA from 2007 to 2017. Before serving as president of IHA, Leonard worked for 30 years in administration at Columbus Regional Hospital, and the last 10 years as CEO.
Amy Rayot Carpenter, RN
Community Hospital Anderson
Carey Gurtner, Radiology
Cameron Memorial Hospital
IHA established the Administrative Professional Excellence Award in 2014 to recognize outstanding support staff service. We need your help in identifying the Hoosier role models who keep your organizations functioning efficiently.
The award bears the name of Mikell Brown, whose service to Indiana hospitals as an IHA staff member was indeed exemplary. She was an administrative assistant in education and communications for 25 years. She was a tireless, trustworthy resource on all association matters and a mentor to all of our new hires at IHA.
The award bears the name of Mikell Brown, whose service to Indiana hospitals as an IHA staff member was indeed exemplary. She was an administrative assistant in education and communications for 25 years. She was a tireless, trustworthy resource on all association matters and a mentor to all of our new hires at IHA.
Kelsey Castillo
Indiana University Health Jay
The Ken and Cindy Stella Scholarship Fund in Health Administration honors the Stellas for their contributions to the work of Indiana hospitals. The scholarship offers financial support for students in the graduate program in health administration at Indiana University.
Emma Manolovic