Quality care is personal
We actively collaborate with our member hospitals to engage in improvement programming at all levels, from local to national, focusing on safety and quality of care.
By partnering with a wide range of hospital departments and specialties, we support patient-centered care while advancing the health and well-being of all Hoosiers, including hospital staff. To promote a culture of safety in our hospitals, we’re spearheading initiatives on harm prevention, health equity, and health care partnerships.
Not only do these efforts improve the lives of patients and health care workers, they also strengthen our communities.
Improving maternal
& infant health
Vulnerable patients need more specialized care, which is why we’re especially committed to protecting newborns and new moms. From developing a statewide approach to infant safe sleep practices and eliminating early elective deliveries, to informing our members about the latest obstetrical adverse events resources, we offer important programs to improve infant and maternal mortality in Indiana.
Keeping patients & workers safe and healthy
Many health care workers think violence is just “part of the job” and too often believe assailants are not responsible for their actions due to conditions affecting their mental state. Safe health care workers mean better care.
Preventing infections
Health care associated infections can lead to unnecessary complications and are often avoidable. That’s why implementing and following rigorous safety protocols is essential to providing the highest quality of patient care in all health care settings.
Strengthening Trauma Care
Each year, an alarming number of people suffer from major injuries that require immediate attention. In fact, it’s the leading cause of death for Hoosiers under the age of 45. That’s why we’re working with health care leaders across the state to improve access to trauma care, especially in Indiana’s rural communities.
If it makes Indiana patients safer, chances are - we're doing it.
From reducing infant mortality, to calling attention to sepsis and focusing on the special needs of small, rural hospitals, IHA leads several active projects to help Indiana hospitals keep patients safe. Our current grant-related initiatives include:
Hospital Quality Improvement Collaborative
Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program
Medicare Beneficiary Quality Improvement Project
Healthy Opportunities for People
Trauma and Injury Prevention Grant